Mslexia Magazine - Issue 91
Full of creative inspiration, practical advice and original poetry, fiction and memoir
The role of the sensitivity reader, how to make a living as a ghostwriter, what's hot in psychological crime, finding your voice, digging deep with roots themed prose and poetry.
In this issue
The age of the sensitivity reader Inclusion and diversity specialist Beth Cox asks whether sensitivity reading is a form of censorship, or an essential part of the publishing process
Ghostwriting Jools Abrams looks at the shadowy world of the ghostwriter, and how to make a living telling other peoples' stories
The knowledge Julie Vuong dives into the latest trends in psychological crime
Finding your voice Creative writing tutor Margaret Wilkinson explains how to find your voice in prose
Interview Laura Steven talks to bestselling YA author Alice Oseman
Jungian archetypes Hypnotherapist, poet and dream coach Leah Larwood explains how to recognise The Trickster when he crops up in your writing
Is grammar elitist? Leone Ross makes a case for learning the rules of written English - and sticking to them
DIY your genre novel Self-publishing guru Debbie Young discusses the lucrative market of self-published genre fiction
Roots Nature writer and Willowherb Review editor Jessica J Lee introduces your poems and stories on the theme of 'roots'
PLUS: We introduce the winner of our 2020 Pamphlet Competition!
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The magazine for women who write
We firmly believe that you shouldn’t leave your writing career to chance, and there’s no faster way to level up your craft than with a subscription to our quarterly magazine.
- Your passport to a supportive, dynamic tribe of creative women writers.
- Opportunity to submit your work and get published to kick start your career.
- Professional advice from literary agents and editors a click away.
- Spark creativity and silence the practical and psychological obstacles.
- Over 50 writing competitions in each issue.
- Over 60 magazines and publishers on the lookout for fresh voices.