Mslexia Magazine - Issue 76
Agenda: The youth vote: how YA fiction influences political opinion
PLUS: The dangers of writing tuition • Meditation and Creativity • Carrying on after rejection • Writing about pregnancy
Debbie Taylor
Sarah Perry • Jane Harris • Sibéal Pounder • Carolyn Jess-Cooke • Victoria Derbyshire
- Could YA fiction swing the next election? Laura Steven explains how writers can change the world, one teenager at a time
- 2017 Poetry Pamphlet Competition winner
- What you’re saying about… prologues, famous poets and suffragettes
- What happened when you wrote a 25-word novel
- Life sentences
- Writing in the world: cancer, with Susmita Bhattacharya
- Noticeboard
- Spread the love: writers’ collectives
- Get creative with podcasts
- Blogwatch
- Jane Harris introduces stories and poems on the theme of ‘Yesteryears’
- Creativity news
- Writing exercises
- What works for Naomi Foyle
- What’s the point? Karon Alderman on why she keeps writing in the face of rejection
- Musical theatre: Susannah Pearse on putting on a show
- Sibéal Pounder’s Achilles’ heel
- Flash genre: Helena Astbury
- Poetry challenge: specular poetry, selected by Linda France
- A visit to nowhere: Sita Brand on how meditation can aid your writing
- Rhyme story: ‘Swoop, poop, plop’ by Lalla Merlin
- Picture this: Bethan Woollvin
- First page surgery with Imogen Robertson
- Sarah Perry talks to Rebecca Swirsky
- Publishing news
- Madame Lexi’s crystal ball
- Advice to my younger self
- Submission bootcamp: tenacity
- Safety first: Carolyn Jess-Cooke on the lack of regulation of writing workshops
- Pitch surgery with Carrie Plitt
- Pitch calendar
- Self-help book test drive with Meg Clothier
Doors open
- Open for submissions
- Insight: pitch prospects
- Three of a kind: writing in response
- Insight: script submissions to Paines Plough
- Open for entries: competitions and awards
- Insight: manuscript wish list, agent Joanna Moult
- Insight: Francis W Reckitt Arts Trust
- Insight: New Welsh Writing Awards
- Time away: writing holidays
Out now
- Début author: Chitra Ramaswamy
- Six best women in translation
- Books about writing
- Fiction issues: fairy tales by Zoë Marriott
- Short story news
- Short story review by Alice Slater
- Short story heroes: Sarah Hall
- Script news
- I confess
- Non-fiction: votes for women with Caroline Sanderson
- H is for…
- Poetry news
- Poetry review by Alex Pryce
Don’t miss
- Events and courses
- Insight: getting a gig at Stanza in Newcastle-upon-Tyne
- Insight: Stacy Makishi in performance
And finally
- Victoria Derbyshire’s bedtime reading
- What we’re up to
- Submitting and subscribing to Mslexia

The magazine for women who write
We firmly believe that you shouldn’t leave your writing career to chance, and there’s no faster way to level up your craft than with a subscription to our quarterly magazine.
- Your passport to a supportive, dynamic tribe of creative women writers.
- Opportunity to submit your work and get published to kick start your career.
- Professional advice from literary agents and editors a click away.
- Spark creativity and silence the practical and psychological obstacles.
- Over 50 writing competitions in each issue.
- Over 60 magazines and publishers on the lookout for fresh voices.

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