The online meeting place for women who write
Welcome to the Mslexia Salon: the members-only area of our website, where you can attend a workshop with top authors, get feedback from agents and editors, share your work, join a group, meet likeminded writers, browse writing opportunities, and access a wealth of ‘how to’ writerly resources, prompts and workshop material – all for just £18 a year. Salon membership is available only to subscribers of Mslexia magazine.
Upcoming Salon events
March Write-ins | Mondays, 12-1pm via Zoom
Bring whatever writing projects you have on the go and settle in for a peaceful hour of writing in the company of others. Visit the event page for the link to join our next write-in on 24 March.
Exploring Your Roots | with Marjorie Lotfi | 25 March, 5-7pm via Zoom
In this workshop with Marjorie Lotfi, we’ll be exploring our roots, the cultures we come from and carry with us, and discovering how those histories help us find a sense of self, and permission to choose our own place. Visit the Salon to register for this event.
What to Include in Your Memoir (And What to Leave Out) | with Kirsty Logan | 30 April, 5-7pm via Zoom
Putting real life onto a page is a process of transformation: taking a lifetime of detail and character, and shaping it into a coherent narrative. Let award-winning memoirist and novelist Kirsty Logan help you figure out what to include – and what to leave out. Registration opening soon.
The 'Memoirisation' of Time | with Lily Dunn | 13 May, 5-7pm via Zoom
One of the defining features of memoir is what Phillip Lopate calls the 'dual perspective' of the voice of 'then' with the voice of 'now', looking back and reflecting on that experience with hindsight and all you've come to understand. In this workshop Lily will help you to identify how other writers have dealt with time jumps in their memoirs, to better control your own. Registration opening soon.
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