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Huza Studio

Face-to-face and screen-to-screen contact with our team and guest experts...

Sometimes simply reading about creativity and publishing is not quite enough, and you crave feedback on your writing and actual contact with those in the know. That's where our events programme comes in. Join us in the Mslexia Salon for a full programme of online events, and if you'd prefer to devote a whole week to making progress of your writing stay tuned for details of our upcoming Women's Writing Weeks.

Upcoming Salon Events

September Write-ins | Mondays, 12-1pm BST via Zoom
Our Monday write-ins will be back on 9 September, 12-1pm via Zoom! Bring whatever writing projects you have on the go and settle in for a peaceful hour of writing in the company of others. 

2023 Poetry Pamphlet Competition winner launch event | 24 September, 7pm
In this free Bloodaxe event, Nia Broomhall will be launching Backalong alongside new collections by Niall Campbell, Sarah Holland-Batt and Laura Wittner, with translator Juana Adcock. All the poets will be reading live and discussing their work with the host, Bloodaxe editor Neil Astley. This event will be streamed on YouTube. Register for the event via TicketTailor to be sent a reminder on the day: Or join via YouTube: 

Lying Our Way to the Truth | 17 October, 5-7pm via Zoom
Join our 2020 Poetry Pamphlet Competition winner Alison Binney to explore the relationship between turth, accuracy and precision in poetry-writing, considering the extent to which each of these things may be of value, both when we write poems about historical events and when we draw on experiences closer to home. Registration opening soon for Salon members. 

2025 Mslexia Diary & Planner Launch | 12 November, 5-7pm via Zoom
As we approach the close of 2024, join Bec Evans for a workshop that will help you reflect on your writing journey. Whether you've written a lot, a little, or are just getting started, this session draws inspiration from the new Mslexia Diary & Planner to wrap up your year with intention. Celebrate your progress and put in place plans for the writing year to come in a supportive and encouraging environment. Registration opening soon for Salon members.

Winter Poems | 27 November, 5-7pm
via Zoom This generative poetry workshop, led by Jennifer Lee Tsai, will explore the season of winter as a rich and potent thematic source to write about our lives, memories, dreams and environments. Registration opening soon for Salon members. 

Not yet a Salon member? You can join here for just £18 a year.
