Face-to-face and screen-to-screen contact with our team and guest experts...
Sometimes simply reading about creativity and publishing is not quite enough, and you crave feedback on your writing and actual contact with those in the know. That's where our events programme comes in. Join us in the Mslexia Salon for a full programme of online events, and if you'd prefer to devote a whole week to making progress on your Memoir, check out our upcoming Women's Writing Weeks.
Memoir School
March 31 - 4 April, via Zoom a whole week dedicated to creating and shaping your memoir. Mslexia Memoir School is an online course for writers embarking on a memoir, or rethinking a memoir-in-progress. Four leading tutors will each focus on a single aspect of the memoir writing craft, creating a varied week of high-quality workshops. Click here for more information.
Upcoming Salon Events
February Write-ins | Mondays, 12-1pm BST via Zoom Bring whatever writing projects you have on the go and settle in for a peaceful hour of writing in the company of others.
Agent Extravaganza 2025 | 3 & 4 February 2025 It's time to post your pitch! On 3 February, 8am-8pm GMT, our Agent Extravanganza will be open for your 100-word pitches. On 4 February, the agents will be logging on to offer written feedback on the ones that catch their eye. Visit the Salon's Event page to post your pitch.
Not yet a Salon member? Join for just £18 a year and catch up on all past events.